We Are All In This Together | Jessica and Kaleb Rochester and Springfield IL Healthcare and Law Enforcement

How has COVID-19 affected our family you ask? Well, truthfully, not significantly at all… at least when it comes to our day to day lives. My husband and I are fortunate enough to still be able to work everyday while our sweet babes continue to go to daycare. Are we a little anxious about possibly bringing something home to our babes? Yes, of course. Are we nervous that our babies may pick something up by not being quarantined at home? YES! My husband, Kaleb, and I have ‘essential jobs’ that require us to push on through. I feel like this has given us a unique perspective on things. It is what it is, and we will do what we need to do. We both feel proud to be able to still serve in our roles during this increasingly scary time.
Kaleb is Chief of Police at Rochester Police Department and has been apart of their department for seven years now. No matter what the world throws at us, he will continue to serve our community. I work as a RN and just recently took a new position within the hospital. I sure wasn’t prepared to return to the hospital during a pandemic, but I have to believe God put me back in the hospital for a reason. For both of us there is fear in going to work every day, as we don’t know what we may encounter, but we continue to stay positive. For me, I can’t dwell on the negatives as that is much too scary.
What has changed for us other than cancelling our vacation to Florida 🙁 ? This time has brought so much thankfulness to our hearts (not that we weren’t thankful before ;)). I know we are both incredibly grateful to have jobs that continue to give us a paycheck during these times. We are both incredibly grateful to have a daycare that has worked tirelessly to get an emergency extension to stay open for us. We are both incredibly grateful to have families that are willing to come up at a moments notice to help with our girls if we didn’t have daycare.
If this virus has shown us anything, it is how extremely thankful, grateful, and blessed we are to be loved by so many. We send thanks to the other ‘essential workers’ that are in the same boat. We send thanks to each and every one of our daycare girls, because without you, life right now would be much different. We send thanks to the people who are at home ‘flattening the curve.’ Finally, we send love and prayers to the ones that have had their lives turned upside down. We are all in this together, this is true!