We Are All In This Together| Doug M. Springfield IL Shop Owner

Hmm….how can I distill this down to fewer words… We are ALL in this together. Although I did take my social security a couple of years ago (for which I am extremely relieved about right now!) The Cardologist is my main source of income. Like a lot of small places, the dollars are tight, and zero sum based most months…what comes in, goes back out pretty quickly. It takes pretty much every dollar, and I am the only income producer in my house. What is coming in right now will not keep me afloat for very long without some cost abatement, and/or disaster relief funding that is more than just a single check. I hope this ends as quickly and as safely as possible. And when it does, I hope for ALL of us that people realize how close to edge so many of us are going to be and they come out in support as quickly as they can afford. This will potentially change the city very dramatically. Right now, I just want everyone to be safe and stay well, and remember we are a community. There is strength there.